Medical Student Mistreatment Policy

The University of Florida College of Medicine is committed to treating all members of the college community fairly with regard to both personal and professional concerns. The student mistreatment policy ensures that concerns are promptly dealt with and resolutions reached in a fair and just manner. The College’s procedures enable students to bring problems to the attention of the College of Medicine administration in a timely manner.  The College forbids any retaliatory action against students who present grievances in good faith. The process for reported concerns is displayed in Appendix A.

Mistreatment is any decision, act, or condition affecting a student that is determined to be illegal or unjust or that has created unnecessary hardship. Mistreatment may take the form of verbal or physical abuse, discrimination for any reason, or a requirement for individual service activity that is independent of requirements for other team members.  When such an incident occurs, the student should take steps to address it. The student may first discuss the problem with the individual responsible for the negative action or with the Associate Dean of Medical Education, Associate or Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, or the Associate Dean for Student Success. If negative action occurred on the Jacksonville campus, students may also discuss the matter with the Associate Dean of Student Affairs Jacksonville, who will follow the same plan outlined below. The dean contacted by the student will then address the concern with the appropriate Course Director or Clinical Clerkship Director who is responsible for the educational activity in which the incident occurred. A written record of incidents reported to one of the Associate or Assistant Deans will be maintained centrally by the Office of Student Affairs.  Once the allegation of mistreatment is elevated beyond the level of the individual responsible for the incident, the reviewing authority should meet with the student within ten business days of being notified of the incident to provide support, and an update regarding the resolution.  If the student is not satisfied with the response of the reviewing official, the student may appeal first to the Senior Associate Dean of Undergraduate Medical Education and, subsequently, to the Vice Dean of Education.

A student who has been accused of mistreatment or harassment of others is entitled to due process to refute or challenge the accusations per policies of the University of Florida (UF Regulations 1.006 Non-Discrimination/Harassment/Invasion of Privacy Policies, and 4.012 Student Grievance Procedure).

If faculty observe unprofessional behavior or mistreatment of students they should report it to the responsible course or clerkship director, and on the Student Mistreatment Report,

At any point in the process outlined above, the student also may address a concern about mistreatment with the Director for Student Counseling and Development.  This official may provide counseling to the student but is not responsible for attempting to redress the grievance.

Medical Student Mistreatment Policy