Directory Information is defined as the student’s name, class and college, local and permanent addresses, listed telephone number, email address, enrollment status, most recent previous educational institution attended, dates of attendance at the University of Florida, majors, minors, certificates, concentrations and degrees earned, nature and place of employment at the University, honors and awards received, publication titles, participation in officially recognized or registered activities and sports, and weight and height of members of athletic teams.
Under FERPA, the university may release directory information without a student’s prior consent, unless the student tells the university not to release this information, by placing a privacy hold. To place a privacy hold, the student must complete a Request for Restriction of Directory Information (Full Privacy Hold). This form is available by contacting the Office of the University Registrar by email, phone (352.392.1374), or by visiting the Registrar’s Information Counter in 222 Criser Hall.
Two important details regarding placing a privacy hold on a student’s record:
- The university receives many inquiries for directory information from a variety of sources outside the institution, including friends, parents, relatives, prospective employers, the news media and honor societies. A privacy hold will preclude the release of such information, even to those people.
- A privacy hold applies to all elements of directory information in a student’s student record. The Office of the University Registrar does not apply the privacy hold differentially to the various directory information data elements. A request for a privacy hold will result in all data elements being withheld. Changes made by the online student directory will not be reflected on the student’s academic record.