Appeals Process

The appeal process is an avenue designed for students who wish to contest any adverse academic actions. Criteria for filing an appeal is limited to a lack of compliance with policies, inaccurate data, or provision of new relevant information that could be sufficient to alter the decision.

Types of appeals:

  1. Grade Grievance – see Grade Grievance Process
  2. Academic Concern/Probation
  3. Lack of advancement/Repeat course/Delayed graduation
  4. Academic Dismissal
  5. Conduct Suspension or Expulsion – see Regulation 4.040

Students receiving an adverse action from the Academic Status Committee (ASC) (e.g., academic concern/probation, lack of advancement/ repeat course/delayed graduation, dismissal) will be contacted by the chair of the ASC (or designee) and advised of their rights and provided a copy of the relevant policies that describe the appeal process. All appeals must be in writing and submitted to the chair of the ASC within 10 business days from the date of the decision letter. A properly submitted appeal includes a written statement by the student with clear specification of the grounds of the appeal. Those students contesting academic concern/probation will be scheduled for a personal appearance at the next ASC meeting. Students contesting lack of advancement/repeat course/delayed graduation will be scheduled for a personal appearance with the ad hoc Appeals Committee with at least 5 business days’ notice after receipt of the submitted appeal. Appealed actions of dismissal will be scheduled for a personal appearance with the ad hoc Dean’s Advisory Committee (DAC) soon as possible, with at least 5 business days’ notice after receipt of the submitted appeal. The student will be allowed to have a support person (e.g., family member or friend) during the personal appearance. A student who chooses to have a support person must provide the identity of the person at least 2 business days in advance of the meeting and provide a privacy waiver. The support person may not address the committee, but may consult with the student. The student will have an opportunity to make an opening and closing statement and to take notes during the meeting. Reviewed appeals by the respective committee will be final and will constitute final agency action.

Appeal committees’ composition (any person with a conflict of interest will be excused from participation or must recuse from voting):

  1. Grade Grievance – see Grade Grievance Process
  2. Academic Concern/Probation – ASC
  3. Lack of advancement/Repeat course/Delayed graduation – Ad hoc Appeals Committee composed of the ASC Chair (non-voting member) and three of the following: Senior Associate Dean of Educational Affairs, Phase 1, 2, or 3 Director, Medical Director of the Anaclerio Learning and Assessment Center, Director of Collaborative Learning Groups, Associate Dean for Student Success.
  4. Dismissal – Ad hoc DAC: Dean of the College of Medicine (chair – will only vote in the event of a tie), Senior Associate Dean of Research Affairs, Senior Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs, Senior Associate Dean of Faculty Practices, Senior Associate Dean of Clinical Affairs, Senior Associate Dean of Graduate Medical Education, Senior Associate Dean of Educational Affairs (non-voting member). 

The UF Office of the Ombuds is another resource for students with a university related problem and/or concern. 


Students whose dismissal is reversed by successful appeal and who are permitted to remediate deficiencies will be placed on probation for one year from the date of the appeal hearing. The ASC will review the status of students on probation annually and prior to graduation. The ASC may remove students from probation upon successful remediation. Students will automatically be dismissed if they receive a grade of D, E, or unsatisfactory or an unsatisfactory competency evaluation in any course during the time on probation.