Leave Of Absence

Students who desire a personal leave of absence, medical leave of absence, or educational leave of absence should submit their request in writing per the policy outlined below as soon as possible to discuss options and an academic plan. While efforts will be made to allow students to graduate and match with their class, the policy does not guarantee that all students on a leave of absence will graduate on time. 

The total time spent on leave of absence may not exceed one year unless specifically approved by the ASC. The Associate Dean of Student Affairs, or designee, will present the student’s request for an extension and will advise the ASC as needed.

Leave of Absence – Academic

The ASC may place a student on academic leave of absence for failure to make adequate academic progress of a graduation competency. Examples include, but are not limited to, delayed or failure of a USMLE Step examination, multiple/egregious professionalism lapses, or, repetition of a course, term, or year. Only the ASC can approve the return to registration from an academic leave of absence.

Leave of Absence – Educational/Research

Students in good academic standing who wish to take a leave of absence to pursue another degree, such as the MPH or MBA, or who wish to pursue an extended research experience should submit a written request to the Chair of the Academic Status Committee. This request should specify the purpose and the time period of the leave of absence. The request should be accompanied by a formal letter of acceptance for the alternate degree program or research investigation. As a usual rule, the ASC will approve such a request for a period of one year. Students who wish to extend their leave of absence for more than one year should make a formal written request to the Chair of the Academic Status Committee. That request should provide a detailed progress and an explanation for continuance of the academic program or research experience. Progress reports from the mentor should be provided to the ASC on an annual basis for any educational/research leaves.

Leave of Absence – Medical

The Associate Dean of Medical Education or the Associate/Assistant Dean of Student Affairs may approve a leave of absence of up to six weeks for compelling medical issues that are temporarily impeding a student’s academic progress. Examples include, but are not limited to, maternity, surgery, or mental health conditions. The Academic Status Committee will be notified that the leave of absence has been granted. If the leave extends for more than six weeks, the student must make a leave request to the Academic Status Committee. This should include documentation from a treating practitioner, a proposed return date and an academic plan and schedule. This must be approved by the Academic Status Committee. When a student wishes to return to registration after a medical leave of absence, he/she must make an appearance before the Academic Status Committee. Students returning must present an updated academic plan and documentation that their medical situation has resolved or is being appropriately addressed, and that they are fit to resume their medical studies (e.g., health care provider letter and/or cognitive testing results).

Leave of Absence – Personal

The Associate Dean of Medical Education or the Associate/Assistant Dean of Student Affairs may approve a leave of absence of up to six weeks for compelling personal issues that are temporarily impeding a student’s academic progress. Examples include, but are not limited to, care for an immediate family member or parental time for a birth, adoption, or fostering a child. The Academic Status Committee will be notified that the leave of absence has been granted. If the leave extends for more than six weeks, the student must submit a request for extension, which includes an academic plan and schedule, to the Academic Status Committee for approval. When a student wishes to return to registration after a personal leave of absence, he/she must present an updated academic plan and make an appearance before the Academic Status Committee.