Probation & DIsmissal

Students on probation may be dismissed from school if they receive a grade less than “C” or a grade of unsatisfactory in any course or in any competency during their time on probation.  Probation will extend for a minimum of one semester beyond the point in time when remediation is satisfactorily completed. The ASC will then regularly review the academic progress of the medical curriculum of a student on probation to determine if a more extended period of probation is warranted. Students on probation are required to follow the plan put forth by the ASC.

As a general rule, a student will only be allowed to repeat one year of the four year curriculum because of poor academic performance. An exception to the rule may be made if 80% of the voting members of the ASC approve.

If there is a determination by the ASC that a student demonstrated unprofessional behavior, several actions may be taken. Depending on the severity of the behavior, the student may be warned in writing that the behavior is unacceptable and that if the behavior is continued, it may lead to dismissal from medical school. Such a letter will provide examples about what is, or is not, acceptable and may encourage the student to seek professional help from an appropriate resource. If there is a second documented case of unprofessional behavior, the student may be placed on probation. The student will be strongly encouraged to seek professional help and will be warned that, if such behavior occurs again, it may lead to dismissal from medical school. If there is a third instance of unprofessional behavior, the student must appear before the ASC to address why they should not be dismissed from medical school.

Some types of behavior may be so egregious as to justify immediate dismissal of a student. Such behavior might include criminal acts, persistent substance abuse, blatant disregard for patient safety, or flagrant academic dishonesty.