About Student Affairs

The Office of Student Affairs (OSA) is committed to supporting student development and success. This office handles all matters pertaining to students, and it is where most student-related events are planned, such as Orientation, Match Day, White Coat Ceremony, and Graduation. It also provides a range of services and resources to UFCOM students, including registration, financial advising, career advising and learning assistance.

Other responsibilities:

  • Prepares the MSPE
  • Supports the senior students through the residency application and match
  • Liaises between the Disability Resource Center (DRC) and UFCOM clerkship directors.
  • Student registration
  • Provides enrollment verification, letters of good standing, MD degree certification for graduation and licensure applications
  • Coordinates the Visiting Student Learning Opportunity program (VSLO) and the International Medical Student Education program


Shireen Madani Sims

Associate Dean of Student Affairs -Shireen Madani Sims, M.D.

Dr. Madani is a “Quadruple Gator!” She attended the University of Florida for her undergraduate degree and for medical school.  She then completed her residency training in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Florida before joining the faculty in 2005. Dr. Madani’s professional interests include medical education as well as general obstetrics and gynecology. She is theVice-Chair of Education for the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. She is recognized as an expert in medical education nationally. She has held several national positions in OBGYN education and currently is Chair of the APGO Undergraduate Medical Education Committee, which develops national guidelines and tools for medical student education. She has authored several test preparation books that are widely used by medical students around the country. Dr. Madani is also a board examiner for the American Board of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ABOG) and has been selected by ABOG as a “subject matter expert”, where she helps to identify and develop requirements for competent practice for OBGYN physicians across the nation.

At the University of Florida College of Medicine, she leads the career advising program for all the medical students and is the current Associate Dean of Student Affairs.

Dr. Ashley Ghiaseddin

Assistant Dean of Student Affairs -Ashley Ghiaseddin, M.D.

Dr. Ghiaseddin has been with UF for over 8 years as an associate professor of neuro-oncology in the Department of Neurosurgery. He is the division chief and medical director of neuro-oncology.

He has held several leadership positions within UF. He served as President of our COM Faculty Council in 2020-2021 and is the current chair of the Research and Scholarship Faculty Council. Nationally, Dr. Ghiaseddin is a member of the advocacy subcommittee for the American Academy of Neurology and is an exam writer for the United Council of Neurological Subspecialties.